Products and services for qualified electronic signature.
Software license for 1 computer with a validity period of 30 days from its activation. License enables signing of electronic documents using a qualified electronic signature in the QSign 6 client application.
Software license for 1 computer with a validity period of 30 days from its activation. License enables BATCH signing of electronic documents using a qualified electronic signature in the QSign 6 client application.
Software license for 1 computer with a validity period of 365 days from its activation. License enables signing of electronic documents using a qualified electronic signature in the QSign 6 client application.
Software license for 1 computer with a validity period of 365 days from its activation. License enables BATCH signing of electronic documents using a qualified electronic signature in the QSign 6 client application.
Software license for 1 computer with a validity period of 730 days from its activation. License enables signing of electronic documents using a qualified electronic signature in the QSign 6 client application.
Software license for 1 computer with a validity period of 730 days from its activation. License enables BATCH signing of electronic documents using a qualified electronic signature in the QSign 6 client application.
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